Saturday, July 30, 2005

This getting to be a habit

What a jam-packed summer day! KOMO says the high was only 82 today, but it felt like a lot more than that. We did a 17-mile ride this morning on the Burke-Gilman - it was nice and smooth, now that I re-centered my rear wheel so it's not rubbing the brake all the time. Otis had a Reiki client on Capitol Hill right after lunch, and when she got back we went out to Magnusson Park for the afternoon, combining fun in the sun and surf with reading papers (me) and studying A&P (Otis).

Then we headed up to LFP, so Otis could scour the storage areas of her folks' house for stuff to sell on eBay or Craig's List. (She only took her own stuff; she didn't just rummage around for saleable items, although that was tempting.) I'll let y'all know when it gets posted.

When we got back on the Ridge, we stopped for milk and fruit and wound up doing an actual eight-bag grocery shopping.

And now I'm dinking on the computer, still working on that web page. Life is good.

It looks like RhymeswithTheresa will be joining us for the Games in the morning. If anyone else decides to come along, give me a call.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the games, glad you are going in the morning to avoid some of the heat. I had fun yesterday people watching, listening to the numerous piping bands, and seeing the taber thrown. I wonder who was the first one to say "Hey, see that tree/telephone pole over there? Let's pick it up and throw/heave it....for accuracy.

Today I am off to the Irish Annual Picnic, which is in Kenmore....St Edwards Park I think. We play much more sensible games, such as hurling.