Sunday, July 03, 2005

1:23 to 12:34

Yesterday's BBQ in LFP was smacking wonderful, even if the weather was decidedly not like it currently is outside my window, which is wonderfully summer-like, but instead rather dull and gray, making it precisely the opposite of the guests, who were exciting and colorful (especially Soapy, in his bumblebee ensemble).

Melvin wins the longevity award, coming for about the time frame bracketed by the title of this entry. (Life is never so neatly symmetrical, so I cheated, but by undering the duration rather than overing.) Soapy also hung in until the very end, but had trouble getting there (Costcoed!) at the start.

Dar-Dar Binks and Wheylona took time out on the way to add to their positive karma by saving a spider, which somehow made them get lost, but they made it. Good to see Dar, who has been absent from events of late, and the last, last, last chance to hang with Wheylona was a treat (the girl has had more "final" appearances than the Judds, and we're glad.)

After that, crowds and crowds, just hordes of people came, so here are just some brief notes. (Feel free to post whatever you think I left out in the comments.)

Best misplaced athleticism: Soapy grrr-smashing the pickle ball deep into the ravine during a gentle game of paddles in the back yard.

Worst idea of the day: Replacing the lost pickle ball with golf balls.

Best performance art that would have been improved by blades or flames: Kris-10 and Otis - ninja baton-twirling!

Culinary affairs note: A totally meat-free barbecue!

Improvisation award: The trailer-trash bungee-cord volleyball net in the front yard. Runner-up: Rubber butterflies as replacement shuttlecocks.

Impossibly high standards: Dar's constructive criticism of the trailer-trash bungee-cord volley-ball net in the front yard.

Speed demon: CK (of the K-men) out-racing an errant tennis ball down the steep driveway.

Town without pity: "Helpful" guests throwing other tennis balls down the driveway to/at CK.

Class act: Scott-Flowers (the Hydrangea King of Western Washington) showing up with a house gift for the Putnams.

Most interesting interpretation of the concept of RSVP: RwT, now to be forever known as Snookerisa. (Glad you made it!)

Person who is not a lightweight who gets drunk after a pint, but who sometimes has a beer and then "chooses to go to a happy place" for a while: Otis.

Late-night giddiness: grown women in side ponytails.

Phrase whose utterance is now guaranteed to make me laugh: "Well, first of all..."

Missing in action: Toni-Tony-Tone, who apparently got lost and delayed and waylaid while heading north with Wondergirl, and Di, who must not have been able to get untangled from her massage sheets. We missed ya.

And Johnbai, you weren't there, but you shoulda been.

And because the consensus during the deep discussion phase was that I go to the comics well way too often for analogies and examples, here is your Sunday morning Bible lesson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"First of all...." It will be a sad day when we've over used that one and it follows Monty Python quotes into the banned category.

Great gathering, thank you Courtney and Walter for getting it all together.

I dragged my sorry butt out of bed this morning, set up all of my online class threads, went for a short run(very, very short, it was more like a symbolic run), then to spinning class, and then drove up to Canada.

I love Canada. I love Canada even more when I am in a crowd with lots of Irish people. I sat with some gentlemen from County Meath, and they kept me entertained enough I didn't even have to pay too much attention to the games, although I did focus on them a few times.

The Seattle Gaels hurling team is setting up a few more games within the next month or so in the Seattle area. I'll ask himself to blog it, in case anyone wants to go see it. Here is part of my favorite explanations of Irish culture, this part pertaining to sports:

Gaelic games

St Patrick's Day brings the climax of the club championships in Gaelic games, which combine elements of the American sports of gridiron and baseball but are played with an intensity more associated with Mafia turf wars.

The two main games are "football" and "hurling", the chief
difference being that in football, the fights are unarmed. There is also "camogie" which is like hurling, except that in fights the hair may be pulled as well.

Definitions of hurling "the fastest game on earth" was best described by a Cork man to an American tourist when he said "its like a cross between ice hockey and murder."

Alright, I must go get some sleep. The Spider Man Bible comics were grand. You don't refer to comics too much, it was just something to razz you about....when we weren't saying "First of all..."