Monday, July 04, 2005

Holiday incongruity

It's funny: this is Independence Day, the Great Patriotic Holiday, the holiday with the historical perspective, the grandaddy of national holidays. Yet, even though it is quite summery, I feel more Thanksgiving in my heart today. This morning, I have been reading emails and blog entries, and thinking about adventures and where I have been and where I am going, and I just feel lucky to have done so many cool things and to have met so many great people along the way.

So, to all of you, thank you for all the richness you have brought my life.

Now, let's have a great fawth-a-joo-lye!


Ned said...

Today, I too was feeling lucky for all the friends I have. Living here feels very lonely sometimes, but then I think of all the places I can go, and there are people I love. Going to a wedding in Manchester next week with another friend from Liverpool, who will put me up, of course. And then trekking down to Bristol to see Sarah. Then the following week getting a visit from another English friend. Just posted pictures from Monica on my blog, and get the pleasure of regular "conversations" with you, and sporadic ones with Diane. Gee, lucky duckies we are.

John said...

You guys with all yer "friends" should just stop rubbing it in. How do you think your comments make us losers who don't have any feel? I'll tell you how! Like a big pile of crap. Worthless, friendless, unlucky, unblessed, unable to be thankful crap. Y'all are the turdmakers of this world... and we all are the turds.

Ned said...

In your honor, Johnbai, I shall rename the 'links' section of my blog 'friends'. So there!

Anonymous said...

Johnbai, you are worth your weight in old dirty rocks.
