Friday, July 08, 2005

Fifty years and a day

My great and good friend, Jon-Brit, was

years old yesterday!

(He had a sort-of countdown going on his blog, but then stopped posting, so I sort-of lost track.)

Jon is starting his second half-century right smack in the middle of a transition/ cusp/ evolution/ change, and everything is aligning for it to be brilliant!

Here's Jon when I met him, over a decade ago:

Very much the hip, stylin' Brit, ain't he?

Here's Jon now, the mature father of two:

(He doesn't need that sign to remind himself, he teaches ESL.)

So please help me out! To make up for my belatedness, let's give Jon some mad b-day props! Leave a note in the comments here, or head over to Jon's own blog and fill it full of happy birthdays. Let's celebrate

with Jon-Brit!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Jon! You are indeed magnificent.


Anonymous said...


You look marvelous! Happy Birthday!

Jon Myers said...

Thank you. Thank you.