Monday, July 18, 2005

Excessive use of interrobangs; 15 yard penalty

Ain't it great?! I just came back from a 2.5 mile walk in the sunshiney hotness and I love it! I have a diagonal sweat-stripe across my T-shirt where the strap for my shoulder pack was; I don't love that so much, but hey. And the comic book store I went to with the intent to purchase either Trinity or New Frontier or Hell and a Hard Place was closed, but okay. It's still great that it's summer!

Before I set out for B-ham this morning, I was flipping through the blogs, and I must say I am really loving out little bloggy group, at least from my perspective. I have major focal points in the same town as me (Johnbai), a state down (Jonbrit), another state down (Wheylona), and over in Europe (Ned). Each of these has links to other stuff that is often interesting, even if not totally connected, and so on, and so on, and so on. But even staying in my little solar system, look at the stuff: Ned is reviewing restaurants and sharing school assignments; Wheylona is reviewing movies and art shows; Jon is recommending books; and Johnbai is uploading comix and reviewing movies and internets. All that on top of the personal chit-chat. Ain't it great!?

So, the B-ham trip was wonderful, in terms of driving in the sunshine, and great, in terms of interviewing. Even though this is an administrative position instead of a faculty slot, the emphasis is apparently on pedagogy (I would definitely teach a class every quarter) and the initiative is for the development of new learning activities and stronger connections with subject departments. I am going to have to do a real pro/con analysis of this one; my gut isn't telling me anything useful.

JJ has suggested a combination bike/bite event this weekend: combining a bike rise with some time at the Bite of Seattle. I was thinking that we could bike in the later afternoon and hit the Bite at about 5:00 pm or so, so that our massage students and (anyone who didn't want to bike) could join in then. Anyone in?

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