Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spokane eve

Nice, powerfully short day today. I went in early with NatDog - traffic was so bad we cut from Lake City Way over to I-5 and went all the way up and then down the 450. I got all my morning work done, taught one class - observed by a bunch of Husky grad students - and then blew back home for a late lunch. Otis and I frittered away the afternoon, and then I scooted out here to World Cup while she took an evening appointment.

And lucky me - in the middle of this post, I got Skyped by Jon of Monmouth, and had a chance to chat a while!

Tomorrow I head up to campus and then van it to The Spoke with some colleagues. I'm sure I'll figure out something to do online from there.

Here's the graphic for today: a decision tree we all might do well to follow.

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