Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Crespuscular cat

This isn't a very good shot, but when I was checking the mail tonight, Selkie jumped up on the trellis and looked so pretty against the dusky sky... he was showing off, so here's his fame.

First day of school! Yee-hah! A high energy day, but the two classes so far (out of three) look good. It's weird working evenings at Cascadia again - the place has an emptier, quieter vibe after five.


ReadyToShelve said...

Casually mention that you play D&D and see what your students do. Like mention something about "it's not like rolling a twenty-sided die or anything" or "maybe if I were a dwarven bard I could see in the dark" etc.

Anonymous said...

Ohmygod I love this picture! It's a great cool cat outdoors pic.