Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hi, my name is Walaka, and I'm a blogger

Man, you miss one day and you have start counting all over again...

Yesterday was low-key at work. I was on campus all day, doing prep and such, interrupting my solitary industry with a meeting to welcome the man who will be my dean starting in June; proctoring an exam for a little while, as a favor to another instructor; and attending my tenure review committee meeting. I like that kind of day.

On the way home, I stopped to get some goodies (of which more later), and got back to the RD just in time for a surprise visit from Scotty Tuxedo and Gina Tiara, along with the bambino and the puppy (one in car seat and one in a box - you guess which). The clan is up from the Mile High City for a whirlwind tour of the Pacific Northwest. We hope to catch up with them again today, but if not, a few minutes is better than none.

Then we hustled up to Cap Hill to meet Johnbai and the tardy Erico for dinner at the Hopvine, a prelude to an evening spent playing Setters of the Stone Age, a board game in the Catan series that seemed to take much of the complexity of the computer game Civilization and stuff it into little wooden and cardboard counters. (Here's a detailed review.) We had a great time spreading our tribes of homo sapiens out of Africa and across the globe, trading and using bones and meat to advance our societies. The game took a little longer than we thought, but fortified with shiraz and pretzels and eskimo pies, we hardly noticed. (Oh, and Johnbai won.)

So, it was a late night to bed, and this morning, after three or four days of allowing me to sleep all the way through to until six or six-thirty, Selkie decided he was tired of going out the window and jumping off the balcony to let himself out, and insisted that I get up with him. The time: 4:13. I did go back to bed, but it made for a nice early start anyway.

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