Monday, April 14, 2008

All in a day's work

Time Selkie got me up this morning: 4:19 am
Time I got up myself: 6:10 am
Time NatDog picked me up: 7:29 am
Time of arrival at campus: 8:05 am
Time of first class: 1:15 pm
Percent of intervening time spent working: 90
Number of cups of coffee drunk: 2
Number of Subway points earned: 8
Time last class ended: 7:50 pm
Number of new papers to grade turned in today: ~42
Time bus arrived to take me home: 8:34 pm
Time I got to 3PB/R to meet Otis: 9:05 pm
Time I called Otis and found out she was at 3PB/LFP instead: 9:15 pm
Time we got our act together: 9:31 pm
Number of bananas left for breakfast cereal tomorrow: .5
Inches of milk left for breakfast cereal tomorrow: 0
Slices of bread left for breakfast toast tomorrow: 0

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Somebody in your house has to go grocery shopping.
