Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Not on the mini

Otis and I have our semi-regular late-night geek-date tonight, so I planned ahead and brought the full-size laptop to...

Caffe Ladro in Fremont! The dang bridge was closed, too, so we had to come by way of Ballard.

The Antioch quarter is over! The last class was tonight - pot luck along with presentations - and now it's all over but the assessing. Only 22 portfolios this time, for two classes - not too bad.

The forced march that is Winter Quarter at Cascadia continues to slog on for another week. I think I will have the uncommonly small total of 38 portfolios, for three classes.

All in all, a pretty light grading sequence for a pretty heavy teaching quarter.

I saw Vee today up at the campus library. She noticed that I had a cold and said "But you didn't mention it on your blog." So now I am mentioning it. Sniff, sniff.

There was a statistically improbable number of transient types on the 522 today. One particularly garrulous fellow was bending the ear of the college student sitting next to him; the listener was surprisingly polite and interested. When the hobo finally finished his tales of traveling from Arizona to Alaska and his adventures in Seattle, he asked the young man what he was studying. "Counseling" came the answer. Ah, yes, it makes sense now.

Okay, this guy has even Johnbai beat when it comes to things cruciverbal

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