Wednesday, March 19, 2008

All over but the shouting

I had my official last class of winter quarter of this afternoon - all sold, all done! Now, there's just this small matter of about 50 portfolios to review... which is really not bad, considering it could have been 120. (I lost a lot of students this quarter.)

Maybe I'll actually get a break this break. Too bad we're not going anywhere. We need to stik close to home for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is major spring cleaning.

We watched a NetFlik last night: the 1996 Billy Zane The Phantom. It's not a great movie by any means, but Zane is solid in the title role and Treat Williams just chews the place up wonderfully as the villain Xander Drax. The movie actually gets most of the Phantom mythos right - and the costume looks fantastic, with Zane so buff he didn't need plastic muscles:

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