Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer linkorama

Okay, so yesterday we didn't set any records, but it was hotter than the day before. We luxuriated in the heat (slowly).

We took a drive out to the Lake Washington beaches, but both Magnuson and Matthews were so jam-packed that actually going into the parks, unless you were planning a day-long expeditions, wasn't even worth it. Now, if only I had a scooter, we could have found plenty of places to park...

We did visit Selkie in the animal hospital - he was in high, head-butting spirits, crunching his food and purring, even with one of the stupid cones around his neck, an IV rig on his leg, and a tube (taped to his tail!) leading from his butt to a Foley bag. The vets said he was progressing very well and should be released late today to come home tonight.

A showing of WALL-E at the Oak Tree provided an opportunity to beat the hottest heat. It was absolutely splendid.

The cool, cool, cool 0f the evening was filled with writing of various sorts - including some stuff mentioned below!

(You can let this play while you read the rest of the entry.)

Critical mass has been achieved in blogation:

The comix blog has a new entry.

The First-fortnight of Freedom entry is up on the 92 Days.

There's another Summer Humpday coming, and that means another dinner!

While you're over on the sidebar, check out the blogroll and web links - I have updated them again.

I usually stay away from politics on this blog, but this Rolling Stone article on John McCain cuts to the heart of many of my problems with this so-called maverick senator.

This is so totally cool that I hope it's not a hoax. The site where I found it (via Neatorama) looks pretty authentic, anyway. This could lead to a while new Hitchcock series for Mattel: The Lisa Fremont Breaking and Entering Barbie; The Jo McKenna Passing Out after Being Sedated Barbie; and The Marion Crane Brassiere and Suitcase of Money Barbie. Hmmm. Maybe LNTAM could do this better.

After reading this Wired article, I have been thinking about getting one of these, but I haven't yet, so maybe I'm not really concerned, or maybe I'm just lazy.

Have a great Monday, everybody!


"Yojimbo_5" said...

Actually, the "birded-Melanie-Daniels-Barbie" was going to be next week's photo-in-the-corner. (last week, and now, is Giulietta Masina's wonderful parting shot from "Nights of Cabiria"). This week's is the last frame of "Les Diaboliques". The week after would be the now-why-bother "Barbie" pic. Now I have to move up the "pair of Jokers" one.

Les *sigh*

ReadyToShelve said...

A locking tether on a laptop? Are you kidding? Would you lock your car and leave the windows down and call it secure?

That product announces to the world, "I don't care about my property, and would like you to dump some packets of sugar into my keyboard." Take your stuff with you, the toilet won't mind.

And I still breathe a sigh of relief every time I read the words "so-called maverick senator." *aaahhh*