Sunday, June 22, 2008

Just a cuppa joe... help me get started, y'see, cuz one kitty wanted out at about 3:30 or 4:00 am, and the other kitty wanted out at about 5:00 or 5:30 am, so that when I actually got up at 7:30 am, I hadn't had seven-and-a-half hours of sleep, I'd had, like, four, and then one-and-a-half, and then two. Kinda like sleeping on a train. That's how it goes sometimes.

Right now, the kitties are both back in bed sleeping, and I'm having a cup of coffee.

Yesterday turned into one of those on-the-edge, muggy days that doesn't know whether it is warm or cool or sunny or cloudy or nice or not-so-nice. Otis and I went up to LFP and had lunch with Mater and Pater, but other than that stuck pretty close to home, forsaking the crowds of the Solstice Parade for the first time in several years. I took the opportunity to add another notch to the bookcase: I read Thud! by Terry Pratchett, the latest (I think) in his discworld novels. (That's two down, now.)

We also watched Children of Heaven, a sweet Iranian movie from 1997 about two poor siblings sharing one pair of shoes and their attempts to fix the situation. As one review I read mentioned, the film has all the elements of a Disney movie, but is presented with unblinking realism in place of the usual sentimentality.

Speaking of movies, I have always found Ferris Bueller's Day Off to be a bit problematic. While others have celebrated its anarchic celebration of individuality, freedom, and the sense of adventure, I have always seen it as the deconstruction of a vain, manipulative, and self-serving little bastard, mostly because I never got the sense the Ferris cared about any of his "friends" as anything other than an audience. I felt that Cameron was particularly ill-used.

Innyway, I came across this YouTube mashup that I think captures the true psychological subtext of the movie, if not my exact analysis. It's the best trailer re-edit I have seen since Shining a few years ago.

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