Saturday, June 07, 2008

Another swingin' Saturday night

So, tonight Otis went up to LFP to hang out with her folks; I was feeling a little geeky-creative, so I stayed home to work on some stuff. I did some crafty things (like with gluesticks, not slyness), read a little, wrote a little, and updated my comics blog. Now I am sitting here in the dark with Amanda Wilde playing music for me. Yeah, life's pretty good.

Last night, Otis and I hit The Garage for Soapy's birthday celebration. We took first shift, participating in the Food Fest (complete with red velvet cake, courtesy of O) but leaving before the Poolapalooza and the Bowlarama. Soapy should be in the Mall of America now, on his birthday trip, but I'll let him report further on that.

Speaking of birthdays, when we all started these internet web logs of ours, we used to make a bit of a fuss of people's birthdays. We seem to have slipped away from that practice, so I'll attempt to revive it a little here:

Happy Birthday, Soapy!

Happy Birthday, Erico!

After the party, Otis and I stopped by the Orange Splot Gallery in Fremont to briefly join Neds at Mr. X's show and artist reception. It was cool beans, even though we only stayed for a minute.

When we got home, we took a little time to clean up the garbage strewn all along our alley by some People who Don't Know How to Get Along with Others Very Well. Better to light one candle and all that - I felt much better when I was doing the dishes early this morning and didn't have to look at the mess.

Today was a pretty mellow day: I got my bike back, hung out with Johnbai twice (once because he had to flee O's and once because I had to flee our place), cleaned up, and like that.

Otis just came home, so maybe we'll do something adventurous, like go out after ten!

DM of the Rings is a little webcomic that's pretty funny, at least if you like/hate/know either D&D or LotR or both. This link goes to a particularly amusing episode; if you like it, go back to the first and read through. Neds in particular should get a larf.

1 comment:

Ned said...

It's comforting to know we were not alone.