Friday, June 20, 2008

Neither fish nor fowl

So, this is supposed to be the daily diary blog, but I missed last night; now, what does than make this post? (Yeah, I know: late.) Also, I'm on vacation, but this morning I was assessing portfolios, so that's not right, either!


Innyway, yesterday turned out to be pretty busy and social! Otis had an early massage client and then an appointment of her own. For my part, I went shopping with NatDog, after which we both met Otis for lunch at Nana's. Dee-lightful.

We tried to get out in the sun in the afternoon, and spent some time outfitting the kitties with new flea collars, since it looks like we might actually have a summer after all.

After Otis's evening appointment, we headed up to JagGirl's place for a truly sumptuous dinner. It had been a while since we'd seen Jag, and she pulled out all the stops, feting us with lasagne and garlic bread and fresh strawberries and all sort of other delicacies. Yum-oh! We had a chance to relax together and catch up and to visit with Spencer, the foster-dog, too!

The work I did this morning means that Spring Quarter 2008 is 100% done: my independent study students from Antioch submitted their final portfolios for the comics course, and I have submitted the assessments. (The work was quite good, actually.) With that, my association with Antioch has come to an end, and I will be a singly-employed person for the first time in four years. Yay, me!

So, here's looking at enjoying this timely summer weather, although there's a mess of chores to get done before the RPG gang shows up tonight.

And to close, here is some incontrovertible scientific evidence that I do know what the heck I'm doing when I snooze.

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