Monday, June 09, 2008

Hatten down the batches!

Man, the wind is blowing! When Otis was up at LFP, it blew the big patio umbrellas onto the lawn - and when we got home tonight, it had repeated the trick, knocking down ours! The rose bush outside the window is whipping back and forth and it feels like we're in for a storm. I guess we may as well have one - Steve Poole has as much as said that this is the crappiest spring since 1917, so bring it on!

I got lots of work done on campus today - and a student let me have a look at the new player's handbook for D&D 4.0. Pretty cool. Oh, and I got to see Yito! And Stella! I guess that all counts as a good day, eh?

Last night, Otis and I watched Fahrenheit 451, with Oskar Werner and Julie Christie. IMDB says this was Truffaut's first color film and first English-language film - I just know it's a darn good film. Otis liked it, too, although she fell asleep before the end and had to rewatch part today. And we both thought Soapy would love the dragon-themed fire-trucks.

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