Sunday, June 15, 2008

The 92 days of Summer: Day 1: e-scrubjaw

(two posts today cuz I'm trying to do the diary posts at night on the day under discussion)

Well, I haven't exactly roared out of the gate on this summer plan, but I'm moving along. Wheylona has pointed out the almost-a-real-word acronym of e-scrubjaw for my daily do-list, so I am going to use that an report each day in shorthand: the word will get the appropriate letter for anything I did, and an x for anything I didn't do. Today's word is e-xxxxbxxw.

Hmmm. Lots of eckses in that. Well, it is the first day, and it was also Father's Day, so we spent a lot of time in LFP. And I had to pick up Mater at the airport. And the sun was in my eyes, the grass was wet, and I have a new glove.

No matter. Excelsior!

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