Monday, June 23, 2008

Izzit Monday?

I guess so, only because there's a really noisy garbage truck in the alley. But it didn't wake me up. Mountie, the usually mellow-in-the-morning cat, did that hours ago, unleashing the full force of his Incredibly Annoying Meow® while walking all over me. (Selkie, the usually annoying-in-the-morning cat, flung himself off the balcony let himself out today.)

Yesterday was another pretty good day, weather-wise and otherwise. Here's the highlight reel:

I rode my bike down to the Fremont Fair, but I forgot the bike lock, so I could only walk through, getting in people's way, and didn't stay for very long. I did stop at the Sound Transit booth to find out that the light rail line between the RD and Cap Hill won't be operational until about 2012. Dang!

I had a nice long iChat with Wheylona as she sat in the midnight dark and I lounged in the afternoon sun. There appears to be a lot of cool stuff on her horizon this summer, too!

I did the laundry and cleaned every single stitch of clothing I owned, save for the shorts and t-shirt I was wearing. Then I did a T-shirt inventory, since my stock has exploded over the last 18 months (thanks in no small part to Johnbai's Librapalooza obsession). I culled out some really old one that now were almost as much hole as shirt, since I have so many cool new ones to replace them.

Big Announcement!

Otis and I are going to start a weekly go-out-to-dinner thing. We figured that since we go out to dinner so much already because we are lazy we never have food in the house it just seems to work out that way, we might as well make it a social event, especially trying to include those folks we don't see regularly. We'll be sending out a regular email invitation, but, of course, the concept has its own blog.

1 comment:

John said...

I am eagerly ammassing more tee shirts for this October.