Friday, June 06, 2008

Ridge runner

Yo-yo-yo! After another rainy day on campus (not so long - just prepping and meeting) I'm up here in Greenwood hanging out while Otis is at a writing group. A little laptopping is in order before I TCB up here on the ridge in the time before we head down to Soapy's bowlarama tonight.

We got Renty Red back from the body shop today, so the rearmost 14% of the car looks brand new! (The rest still looks pretty much the same.) I should pick up the bike tomorrow.

I had dinner with Dingo last night - it was a lovely evening spent just catching up and hanging out. She pulled out some old photos she had found in her archives - pictures from Back in the Day. Here they are:

Cowabunga, dude!

This one I know for sure is from 1989 - it was taken during the three-day SPL centennial celebration.
Mousse in the housse

This one must be from about 1992 or 1993 - that's Bungee the Budgie nibbling at my ear.


This is from a trip to Europe in 1995 - on the Rhine.

And just to close the circle, here's right now:

Man, Father Time is a right bastard, ain't he?

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