Friday, May 02, 2008

Waitin' for the coffee

I'm downstairs looking at the not-yet-set-up breakfast bar for the last day of the conference. I want some grub!

Yesterday was predictably long: plenary session, session, lunch, session, session - none of them terribly memorable - and then skip out to meet with Gweekers and The Marmot Queen! We hung around the hotel for a bit, and then decamped to an Italian restaurant for dinner with the spouses (and a whole herd of tweens coming to see High School Musical at the opera house). Fun stuff.

After dinner, I hit a local game and comic store for a browse and then had a relaxing evening reading until folks started filtering back from being out, when I reconnected with some of my peeps.

Here's hoping today will be a more profitable exercise - and that were out of here on time!


Jon Myers said...
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Jon Myers said...

Whew, that was nasty - didn't realize it was not a kosher link.