Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Let's focus on the good stuff

On a rainy, gray workday like today, we need to pay attention to any rays of sunshine that we can find. Here's a few of mine:

It appears that neither Otis or I was hurt in the fender-bender yesterday. Bike wheels are easy.

I didn't mention yesterday that Otis's mother had her memoir accepted by a publisher! She should get a contract soon and the book will be out within a year.

The weather is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous for the Garden(ing) Work Party up in LFP this Saturday in support of Otis's father. If you haven't received an email with the details, let me now and we'll clue you in!

I had a great time with Dingo and Johnbai tonight while Otis was at an art workshop. We did some alpha testing of a new GURPS module that I have developed, and even though there were a few curves, it ran pretty darn smoothly. I'm looking forward to real, live play action.

Now that's not a bad list!


Anonymous said...

Does Dad read your blog? Thot garden thing was a surprise... oops.

Walaka said...

No, I don't think pater reads this... and Otis asked me to mention it. See you there!

Courtney Putnam said...

Good catch, Juliet! Nope, my dad is no blog reader -- unless send him a direct link or sit in front of a computer screen and show him a blog in person. I think the secret is still safe!

I'm looking forward to Saturday!
