Sunday, February 03, 2008

Blog burst!

I got all wrapped up in my comix blog last night and didn't post here, so here's the bullet points:

Yesterday started with a doorbuster lunch at Indian Bistro with the Clan P to celebrate Mater's b-day, followed by some baby-time with li'l Nick.

Otis and Mater went off for girly-time and I went to rock the geekness at Zanadu and then to Remedy Teas for, uh, tea (Vanilla Sky).

Dingo came by Remedy to do the catching-up and hanging-out things.

We both then walked down the street to Liberty to join in Johnbai's post-exam celebration. He took some obscure test that somehow raises his status in the land of social work in a vague yet significant way, so hooray! It sounds like it really was an achievement. Adding to the festivities were O, Soapy, Sylvio, and CC Rider (aka Court2). Stella threatened an appearance, but hadn't made it by the time I left.

I tore myself away from the fun to pick Otis up after her daughterly day and we went home for an evening of this and that (which included another Rocket Raccoon performance by Selkie).

I'm here at the Wallingford Tully's, getting ready to work a bunch while Otis has appointments, and to meet Neds, who has some sort of computorial crisis. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Here's my idea of a good Sunday morning:

I hear there's some sort of football game being played today. Enjoy!


wheylona said...

Boy howdy, how I do not miss the Super Bowl! The only thing it was good for was emptying out the supermarkets so I could go shop in peace and stock up on Velveeta, cheap! :-)

Except not the Velveeta part.

unywzaw= my Super Bowl sentiments exactly.

John said...

Teh SUPerBwl was teh awesome!!!

And thanks for dropping by the celebration. It was great to have so many wonderful people come out and celebrate. Except Mel. Who lazied out and never made it... Boo!

Courtney Putnam said...

Congratulations, John!

Wish I could have raised a glass with you all.


John said...

Thanks Otis... we tried to hold it down without y'all. But the late night conversation became a dark debate on whether men naturally possess a "dark side" (id-driven and destructive in nature) or whether that's learned behavior.