Monday, February 18, 2008

All presidents accounted for

and that doesn't include David Rice Atchison.

Happy President's Day. No school today. Did some work. Otis had an afternoon two-hour appointment, and was feeling more up to snuff today, so I hied myself to Trabant while she worked and drafted a long post for the comix blog. Neds was working (at home) and Johnbai was working (at work) but Stella came by for a cuppa and passed a good while with me.

Then Otis picked me up and it was a hospital visit all night; no major setbacks, but no real advances either. We soldier on.

I think Dingo and her posse win the award for Best Use of a Minor Holiday on an Unseasonably Warm February Monday. Since she doesn't have a blog (because she says she never does anything), let me take the liberty of quoting from an email: "
…left this morning on a walk with [Eryk] and [Sylvio] that took us downtown to the ferry dock, over to Bainbridge, around Winslow with a picnic by the water, back to town and a visit (inspired by the Sound view of the clock tower) to check out the renovation progress at the train station. Cool! (You should see it.) On the way we walked a big circle through and around downtown, revisiting some of our favorite buildings, atriums, and pocket parks, ending up in the ID to view the grand new Chinese-type gate. Home now after miles of walking..." Now that's a day off.

Time for bed; early day tomorrow.

1 comment:

Ned said...

Good job, Di and posse. You put the rest of us to shame. I watched some ferries from my (home OFFICE) window, does that count? Too bad holidays in the States can't coincide with those in Spain. At least today's job is about an OPTIMIZATION-SIMULATION MODEL FOR PLANNING SUPPLY TRANSPORT TO LARGE INFRASTRUCTURE PUBLIC WORKS LOCATED IN CONGESTED URBAN AREAS instead of cheese. I think.

Still sending out all the good, white thoughts to Pater and the P Clan.