Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Aloha and aloha

Otis took one final look at the tropical Pacific on Monday morning before we packed up and had a last day of island relaxation before catching the redeye for home. The trip was just splendid, overall. The weather was great most of the time, we played and de-stressed to our hearts' content, we ate well, and it turned out to be everything a vacation ought to be.

The trip back was every bit as miserable as you might expect an overnight airline flight would be these days. The less said the better; at least we actually got in early.

Dingo picked us up at the airport in the cold, wet pre-dawn and we all (including Dingo) went home and back to bed. In the thirty hours since we woke up, I have gone to my office in Bothell, checked in with Stella, graded papers, lesson prepped, gone back to Bothell and taught a class, and done house stuff; Otis has had two massage clients and we both had lunch with Ms. Matcha to touch base after she housesat. There has also been a lot of cat-petting and some cat-napping, too.

It looks like we're being swept back into the main stream of life after having hidden in an eddy for a week or so, but we want to hold onto the Island Spirit as long as we can.

So, hang loose, man!

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