Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Fun with PVC redux

So, Otis is grading papers all day today, and I'm looking around for stuff to do that isn't grading papers, and I think about cleaning out the shed. I says to myself, man, it's a mess in there, we've just been throwing everything in there and I wish I had some shelving for it, because it's all cluttered with suitcases and storage boxes and that old PVC pipe and... and...

Wait a minute!

Remember Fun with PVC Version 1.0? Those old PVC pipes don't need storage - they are storage!

Calling upon all my design and drafting expertise, I drew up these meticulous plans based on the available materials. My PVC cutter actually worked without a hitch, and in short order I had the requisite lengths cut. A few minutes of playing with giant tinker-toys, and voila, one custom-made storage rack, suitable for, um, storing things!

Seriously, it will let us get at the stored stuff easier while maintaining a clear space for the bikes to move in and out. Yay, PVC!


I went down to North Seattle today to check out the class I will be teaching over the summer, and especially to find out which books have already been ordered. The readers for the class are Brave New World, The Man in the High Tower, and Lathe of Heaven, all of which I have read and feel cool about teaching. I need to find a movie or two with the same theme - called "conscious evolution" in the course summary - and I'm good to go.


The guest-kitty caught a fly and ate it today. Otis was torn between being impressed by Kitty's hunting prowess and being affronted at her lack of respect for our vegetarian household.

Who trusted God was love indeed
And love Creation's final law -
Tho' nature, red in tooth and claw
With ravine, shriek'd against his creed -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I noticed that Scotty updated his blog. Sounds like he has a really great show coming up that he really wants us all to see. And I hear it's at a cool place and the show is free! We should get a group together and go. Go check out Scotty's blog.