Thursday, August 04, 2005

Afternoon pause

So, slide down the sidebar and you'll see a link to that Superhero Radio that I have been talking about. Give it a listen. For those comix-minded among you, the link to Absorbascon (in a post below) is worth perusing.

Thanks to everyone who was supportive after my snarky response to my not-so-reduced LDL levels. Yes, yes, I'll give it a bit more time and not throw in the naturopathic towel just yet. I stopped by the JFS BBQ today and saw JR (for just a sec) and Johnbai (smokin') and Di, who is going to put me on to an ND with a specific regimen for LDL. Onward and upward! (Or, er, downward!)

Off on the scooter soon to have a sunshiney time on B.I. Y'all have a great day!


John said...

I enjoyed Absorbascon... a great many chuckles to be had there.

John said...

And BTW, Walter's reference to me as "smokin'" must either refer to how gorgeous I am, or that I was partially on fire (while manning the BBQ grill). I certainly wasn't (and haven't been for almost 10 months) smoking a cigarette.

Walaka said...

Yeah, I was doin' the Jim Carrey Mask voice when I typed that... it was the Human Torch impersonation at the grill.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of smoking and spreading rumors, today the topic of why you wear a kilt came up in the advising circle.

People were wondering if you wore it as a fashion statement or for a number of other reasons. I said I thought you wore it because it was comfortable, and on a day like today it was practical for temperature lowering purposes.

Congratulations to Jonbai on 10 months without a smoke. I would have liked to see your great balls of fire performance.

Walaka said...

I wear it cuz it's smokin'!

Ned said...

I third or fourth or whatever the motion for MEN IN SKIRTS! Would never go down in Spain, unfortunately, and I guess that's why I'm thinking about coming home.