Two: Saddle Perspective: I have always thought of the Burke-Gilman as a quiet and mostly limited-access pedestrian/biking trail. A recent conversation with Jonbrit led me to make a count today on my ride, and the numbers seem to show that it is anything but. In the about 8.5 mile stretch from the Fremont Bridge to Matthews Beach, there are
4 intersections with city streets controlled by traffic lights and pedestrain signals
13 intersections with city streets that are marked with stop/yield signs and crosswalks
2 intersections with service roads that are marked with signage and striping
8 intersections with other trails that are significant enough to require signage/striping/other traffic control (most of these are on the UW campus)
This doesn't include unmarked driveways, parking lot entrances, or trail intersections
I guess it's all a matter of perspective. It's a lot quieter than Aurora Avenue, anyway.
Three: Me!: Otis left yesterday at noon for a writing retreat with her mom. What do I do with myself, suddenly all footloose and fancy-free? Organize closets. Do laundry. Watch Justice League cartoons. Eat rice-a-roni. Yee-ha! Otis will be back after lunch today, and we're busy for the next few days with appointments and classes and dinners and such, and then hope to go up to the Putnam cabin for overnight sometime midweek. The aforementioned Jonbrit is threatening a visit at week's end, so we have that to look forward to.
may i suggest a whole day of cartoons and internet browsing?...quite refreshing
Lynne Truss is my heroine: how to be rantingly obsessive and get paid for it. Sign me up! Oh wait, I've got to sign my own self up. Working ...
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