Monday, January 07, 2008

Who's on third?

We're at third, anyway - 3PB/R. I had a long day at the academic salt mine: I had only one class, from 1:15 to 3:20, but I was on campus from 8:30 am until about 6:00 pm, doing my prep. NatDog was kind enough to give me a ride home, so I had her drop me here. Otis joined me after her late appointment, we grabbed some Pad Thai from Bai Pai Thai down the street (okay, but a little pricey overall), and then settled in for some more work. Five different preps sure add up to a lot of work. It's going to be a long quarter.

After our eastside adventure yesterday, we came home for work 'n' play. We watched Stephen Fry's biopic Wilde - it was very good, if a but reverential at times, and seemed to get most of the important details about Wilde's life correct. Fry was a surprisingly warm Oscar, and Jude Law made a glorious golden boy as his lover and downfall, Bosie. Gweekers called just as the movie ended and I got a long report from the dry side.

I have a feeling the blog will be neglected in the future. Instead of boring diary posts, I may revert to the links-and-epigrams format from some time ago, at least for a while.


Ned said...

Say it ain't so, W!

frqqjdi: icy drink from the Maghreb

Walaka said...

Say what ain't so?

Ned said...

Semi-hiatus. I need something to read while I'm procrastinating!