Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pick yer poison

WQAD, the news source for Davenport-Bettendorf-Rock Island-Moline, has a little quiz to help you see which candidate most closely matches your positions on the major issues. It might be a little old, since some of these guys have already dropped out.

Perhaps not surprisingly, my results show a pack of Democrats followed by a pack of the other fellows. (And the lead Republican is their wingnut.) In order, with milestone scores, they were:

Kuchinch (65)
Richardson (62)
Clinton (61)
Edwards (48)
Paul (32)
Giuliani (27)
McCain (15)
Romney (10)
Huckabee (5)

It may not be scientific, but it's short. Try it.
Hat tip to mark evanier!


wheylona said...

Hmmm. My results look *very* similar to yours, W. I took a similar but longer quiz thing and had similar results (I looked but I can't find it, sorry). Interesting to me is how the 3 current front runners (in both quizzes) came up Clinton > Obama > Edwards but usually I prefer the opposite order, though not strongly and it depends on the day.

Scotty Walsh said...

I got:

Clinton 58
Obama 55
Dodd 52
Edwards 48
Kucinich 47
Gravel 40
Richardson 36
Guiliani 35
Hunter 18
Paul 15
Huckabee 8

Ned said...

Dodd 67

Clinton 63

Gravel 62

Obama 60

Richardson 49

John Edwards 44

a bunch of Republicans <29

Jon Myers said...

I got:

Dodd 75
Clinton 73
Obama 68
Kucinich 63
Edwards 51

plus other assorted Dems who are out of the race and of course all the Republirats. I took another similar longer quiz that put Kucinich at the top of my list (which is what I would have expected) but also had Clinton above Obama and Edwards (which surprised me both times).

I do think your argument about the difference between Bush or Gore being in charge, post 9-11, is a valid and provoking one but I am still finding it difficult not to think of the 'top three' as anything more than ciphers who will say what it takes to get elected.

ReadyToShelve said...

In a bizarre turn of events, I have Republicans bookending with Democrats in between. The only thing immediately understood is Ron Paul coming in dead last.

Giuliani 45
Romney 44
Hunter 39
Thompson 37
Edwards 35
Richardson 33
Kucinich 33
Dodd 30
Obama 30
Clinton 30
Biden 30
Gravel 30
McCain 27
Huckabee 25
Paul 10

Though I guess the Reps at the top are "hard" while the three at the end are "moderates," so the list isn't exactly boomeranging back to the same stuff.

What confuses me is this - I can't stand Giuliani or Romney, and would love to see McCain and Huckabee on the same ticket. I guess this quiz illustrates not who I'm voting for, but an ability to see the merits of people I don't agree with (see bottom of list), or despise people regardless of how similarly we think (see top of list).

The same thing, delightfully, can be said of McCain himself.

Looking forward to hanging out with you flaming liberals, even if you are all crazy! :)

ReadyToShelve said...

I also just noticed how our ranges differ. I top out at 45 in agreement with Giuliani, and have TEN candidates in the 30s. Other high numbers:

Walter 65
Scotty 58
Ned 67
Jon 75

New conclusion: I have no strong beliefs.

Walaka said...

lc: I think you're just uncategorizable...