Monday, January 14, 2008

Still sortin'

So, I still have a cold, the kind that's not bad enough to really complain about or go to bed over but just bad enough to be pretty annoying. I made it through the day, which ended with class, which I just barely made it through before I passed out from oxygen deprivation (too much hot air out, not enough in through my clogged head). This cold rain didn't help, either.

Speaking of the cold rain, Otis and I made a run up to the Lake City Freddy's tonight, and there was snow all through Wedgwood and in Lake City! Stella reported snow in Belltown, and Dingo called it accumulating sleet up on Cap Hill. The outdoor surfaces like fence rails, garbage cans, and cars here in the RD are white, too. Hey - it's winter! Weatherman says it might be icy in the morning, but then it'll be all over.

Hey, in the linkage last night I forgot to add in Independence Days. Jon of Monmouth is back in the saddle, and he has switched to a new format - check it out.


Jon Myers said...

Thanks for the hat-tip and comments gladly received from all and sundry. It's a toe-dip into a new direction and it'd be good to get some feedback.

John said...

Request: please include a recent comments widget... It's nice to see who's been commenting, and on what articles.

JJ said...

Hey Wal--sorry to hear about the cold--I'm in my third week of some nasty sinus affliction, which I managed to pass on to my sweetie and my Mom. You guys are having a wintry winter this year--isn't this the third time you've had snow this season?? Amazingly, all 23 inches of our snow melted last week--expecting about 3 inches the end of this week. Get better--the key is getting lots of rest. JJ

Walaka said...

Rest -- hmmmm, I might get some of that this weekend, but then prolly none until President's Day.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your are feeling better, but alas, I have caught your cold.
