Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Figuring out this schedule

So yesterday, I taught from 8:45 to 10:50 in Bothell, and then had to scoot down to NSCC for a noon class. Turns out there's plenty of time to make the commute so it should be no worries. Then I was done at North at 1:00 and came home. That's a schedule I can live with.

Otis had made a picnic-esque lunch and then we managed a walk around Green Lake in the afternoon. It had been 36 when I first got up but felt more like 65 when I was coming home; during the walk, the sun was going in and out of the clouds and it was starting to cool down again. Weird weather we we're having.

I finished the evening just messing about while Otis went to her book club. It felt good not doing any homework.

Of course, now I have to adjust to the off-day schedule. My only classroom time today is at noon, for an hour. So this morning is supposed to be prep and assess time so I can be free again in the afternoon. We'll see how well that goes.

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