Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Stuff that dreams are made on

So,sometime in the middle of the night last night, I woke up with an idea for a compelling blog post. There was going to be a faux version of some standard communication form - memo, or textbook, or something - filled with compelling content, and somehow illuminated by meta-commentary at the same time. I smiled and fell back to sleep, knowing that this morning I would be just rolling it out.

Um, all that's left is what you see above. Poof. Gone. If it ever was, in the first place.

I am reminded of the story of the Hollywood screenwriter who dreams the perfect plot. He scribbles it onto his pad and goes back to sleep knowing that in the morning his fortune and fame will be secured. He wakes to find the words "Boy meets girl."

Social calendar:

Some dates to plan for:

Late night Friday September 16 for a brilliant time in Soapy's neighborhood-elect.

On Saturday, October 2, does anyone want to ride/walk a commemorative last mile of the biking season with me? It will be followed by the ritual closing of the spreadsheet.

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