Friday, October 27, 2006

A quickie by remote

It has come to my attention that I have not blogged in almost 65 hours. To dispel any resultant concerns about my well-being, here I am, coming to you live from Bothell.

It wasn't that I was too busy with school work to blog; I have indeed been busy, but with lots of other stuff, like fiddling with the fireplace and trying to sell stuff and whatnot. In addition, we hosted MaryBee for a farewell dinner last night, before she heads off to the Sunshine State on Saturday.

I wish it had been responding that was keeping me from blogging over the past two days: that would mean that I wouldn't have to try to pound through twenty-five papers before my 2:00 pm meeting today. It's the same old story.

See ya soon!

1 comment:

Walaka said...

I like to blog ever day and I like that my absence might be noted.