Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The pause that refreshes

Just got back from my morning classes a little it ago and am enjoying a cup o' tea before diving into assessing more papers. I am trying to stay on top of my schedule this week, since I don't have the birthday-distraction excuse anymore. I figure I need to clock about three to four hours of work every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday to keep my weekends clear. It's not all that much actually; it just feels pretty darn relentless sometimes. And try as I might, I can't eliminate all the last-minute instances of lesson-planning and photocopying, as those teachable moments arise and the students' needs make themselves known.

On top of this particular scheduling issue, I want to make sure I leave time for what I want to do as well as what I have to do. That includes blogging, comics blogging, "real" writing, learning to juggle, learning ukelele, and regular exercise, among other things. How do I make sure I can do the self-fulfilling stuff and the social stuff and the socially-conscious stuff as well as the work stuff? How do I fit all these activities in without scheduling every moment of my day? Mercy sakes, I'll need a bigger spreadsheet!

I would love to particiapte in NaNoWriMo, for example, but can't imagine how I would posssibly fit in writing 50,000 words in the same month that I will be reading about 500,000 words of student writing, as well as attempting to have a life of some sort. Well, maybe I can imagine it...

Teaching takes a lot of time; teaching writing classes takes a lot of time. Not so much more than actually working a real job, I guess, but it seems like there are more elements to balance. I suppose I could stay at my school(s) until 5:00 pm every day and just get everything done within a nine-to-five shift, but that doesn't sound like much fun either.

Thus ends another episode of Complaints of the Awfully Darn Lucky.


Scotty Walsh said...

I could help you with the learning to juggle part. Would you like an in-home private lesson sometime? Let me know. I'll be there

Anonymous said...

"Complaints of the Awfully Darn Lucky" would make a nice title for the collective American blogging experience. :)

"How do I make sure I can do the self-fulfilling stuff and the social stuff and the socially-conscious stuff as well as the work stuff?"

You must select an occupation that is self-fulfilling, and then surround yourself with a social circle that is exclusively from that world, but only denizens of that world who recycle avidly. Grasshoppah.

"How do I fit all these activities in without scheduling every moment of my day?"

Alternate the activities by day. Make one day the uke day, the next day the exercise day, the next day the juggling day. You don't have to - and can't - revisit everything you enjoy or want to keep fresh every single day.

Ex: when I go to the gym on a particular night, I don't play any instruments at any point because I know I'll get hooked into the music. Nothing worse than scrambling to do too many things in one night and ending up feeling crappy cause you barely grazed the surface.
