Monday, October 02, 2006

Is this what 'mixed emotions' means?

I left the house fifteen hours ago to go to work.

I just got back a few minutes ago from my last class.

Five classes at three different schools in one day.

I collected about 85 papers that need responding.

And I need to send a student e-mail before I can call it quits.

And when I was walking to my car after class number four, a student ran to catch up to me to tell me how much he was enjoying being in my classes and how much it was helping him transition back to college after being away for four years. I told him that that was the purpose of the class and that his participation was really helping the class as a whole. He said no, that he was talking about my teaching style and that teaching was something I "should never give up."

He actually used those words.

Gotta make you wonder...


Jon Myers said...

Hear, hear!

wheylona said...

Nice words from that student; although we teach because we want to and because we believe in the endeavor, it's still awfully nice to get that sort of feedback from students. Go, walaka!

Courtney Putnam said...

Do you all know that it is Walaka's birthday today?

Woo-hoo! Hip-hip-hooray!

Scotty Walsh said...

Happy Birthday Walter! I hope to run into you soon. Sorry I missed the spectration celebration. We'll make it to the next one for sure.

Anonymous said...

"Never, never, never give up."
--Winston Churchill

"Happy Birthday To You!"
--song property of Warner Bros.


Jon Myers said...

Oh, alright then - happy birthday, again.

"Yojimbo_5" said...

Well, "giving up" is not the same as leaving a job you want to leave. "Giving up" implies failure and that student's comments say just the opposite.

But it's funny how a student's positive comments can fuel your efforts for an entire quarter.

Anyway, hope you can get home soon enough to enjoy some festivities on your birthday.