Saturday, September 30, 2006

Spinnin' wheel, got to go 'round...

From the minor inconvenience file:

Item: When I mentioned that Otis and I took a walk on Thursday, I forgot to say that it was partly because my bike had a flat. When we got it out of the shed, the front wheel had no pressure at all. The B2K season is ending really raggedy.

Item: After teaching and lunching on Friday, I was going to fix my flat and bike around to do errands while Otis was with a client. When I got the bike all dismantled, I found that the trouble wasn't a puncture I could patch; it was a broken valve stem. And I had no spare tube.

Item: I went erranding on the scooter instead; I did manage to get a new tube, but traffic was so completely effed up around 45th and I-5 that I despaired of getting to two of my destinations in that area and cut over to Stone Way in Wallingford to pick up a naturopathic prescription from Bastyr for Otis.

Item: Bastyr had moved. But at least it was still on Stone Way, just somewhere else.

Item: The prescription needed to be refrigerated, so I now had to head directly home, rather than scoot around trying to accomplish alternate errands.

These inconvenience are nothing compared to bomb craters and power outages, and are more funny than anything else. In my usually-functional western world, I felt like I was doing a lot of wheel-spinning. At least I managed to get in some long-duration telephony with JustJon in my down time.

Last night wound up similarly unproductive; we did visit Grace, which was nice, but trips to Home Depot (for repair materials for the Great Johnbai Banister Disaster) and Central Market (for movie night comestibles) and Freedy M's (for a hat for Otis) were less completely successful. Just one of those days, I guess.

We did watch a Netflik that was pretty cool, but I think I'll post about that on the comics blog.

See ya soon.

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