Monday, September 18, 2006


I can tell I'm getting back in the swing when my weekday posts start being nothing but reports of how much work I have been doing, to wit (or three-wit, even):

I got done everything I had to do yesterday, even though I was reluctant to get started.

I taught from 9:00 to 12:30 today, came home, graded assignments until 4:30, ran up to Cap Hill for a truncated farewell to Wheylona, came home and assessed portfolios from 6:30 until 9:00, got some coffee, and did one more portfolio for good measure, which makes me half-finished.

Thrillin', ain't it?

Anyway, here's a scan of a little sketch one of my students did on the top of a project completed in class today. Does this guy look familiar?

1 comment:

"Yojimbo_5" said...

Hmmmm. Doesn't have hands...