Sunday, May 07, 2006

Work avoidance techniques

Well, there are still many teacherly things to do before I get to call it a weekend, but I think I can stave off the inevitable a little while longer by posting a blog here.


By request, here's a picture of the sheepified scooter fairing for Wheylona:

In her own work avoidance endeavors, Otis has been gardening. Here's her latest triumph:

Since so many people responded with interest, here are the dubba (the containers) from the tiffin (the Indian light lunch).

In India, instead of picking these up at the food court, a dubbawallah would come to your place of work and drop a meal off; another would come by later and pick up the empties (and take your order for the next day, I imagine).

I think I will use Dubbawallah Tiffin as my alias.


Here's a favor I ask: I have a new website, Blockhead Rhetoric. I want to make sure Google knows Blockhead Rhetoric exists. I have linked to Blockhead Rhetoric on the sidebar. The favor I ask is not that you necessarily link to Blockhead Rhetoric on your sidebar, but just that you publish a post that uses the words "Blockhead Rhetoric" together (like I just did there) and links to the Blockhead Rhetoric site. This way I can get some exposure for Blockhead Rhetoric, if someone searches for it specifically. Thanks!

Be afraid. Be very afraid. Soapy has joined the blogosphere with a MySpace site. You have been warned.


Go wish JustJon a swift and happy un-Vertigo.


Mighty Mel joined Otis and I for Transamerica last night. Felicity Huffman was robbed at the Oscars. Much carousing followed the flick at the Lake City Starbucks when we were joined by Johnbai and Soapy. Yippee-ki-i-ay!


wheylona said...

Thanks for the sheep pic--cute! And if you feel like sending your pic to the folks at ardilatxa, I'm sure they'd be thrilled to add a Seattle pic to their collection of International Sheep.

Ned said...

Very excellently-posted work-avoidance post. However, you will have to get in line behind moi, the expert at work and sundry avoidance. Hey, if I can't get anything done, at least I can be proud of my uselessness!

slvvs: short 'uns

Jon Myers said...

So how come there are no pictures of the gang in Soapy's collection of friends?

Thanks for the good wishes - the good news is that it is not caused by some nasty focal mass in my brain. The bad news is that I am still losing my balance and vision and that this will probably continue for a week or more.

Anonymous said...

Blockhead Rhetoric is great!

Soapy's myspace had me laughing and crying at the same time....or perhaps I just forgot to take my meds....Blockhead Rhetoric....

You know when the topic of Courtney's Master's degree comes up and we make her say the title and there is some amount of mocking involved? Blockhead Rhetoric.....Well from now on we have to add the title of your frickin whatever-you-call-it document....Blockhead Rhetoric....IT'S A THESIS!!!!!!

Anyways, I am sure you have really great reason for not calling it a thesis, Blockhead Rhetoric....yet I do not want to hear it. I just want to go back to my original point about mocking your final document. My MA in Celtic Christianity mocks itself before you get a chance to, Blockhead Rhetoric.

Ned said...

Correct me if I'm wrong (which I'm sure you will), but shouldn't it be "vitae", the genitive, instead of "vita", you blockhead you?

Walaka said...

I would say that technically yes, it should be "curriculum vitae"- in much the same way as "resume" should have diacritical marks. In actual U.S. practice, it is just as often "vita" as "vitae" (and naked come the resumes).

I would guess that in the U.K., the "vitae" usdage predominates, since it is used more universally (as opposed to just the academic usage here). (Apparently Brits don't have resumes, marked or unmarked, so I guess that point is moot.)

In any case, I have changed it to please you.

Jon Myers said...

I think they do have resumes (both marked and unmarked) but these are usually a kind of summary rather than something used in a job application.

Anonymous said...

When I lived in the UK (until 2002) the common spoken term was CV (however you spell it). I even had a number of people ask me what a resume was, they saw it or heard it and wanted to confirm it was the same as a CV.

As I only swam in academic circles, I am not sure if people outside that pool called it something else or what it looked like in the private sector.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that there's a grammatical rule in England stating that if there's a choice between a Latin word or phrase and a French word, you must choose the Latin, or the 100 Years War was fought for nought.

Anonymous said...

Or you can use the French words in England, yet they must be mispronounced.....hence "herb" with a hard "h" and "fillets" with a hard "t"....which makes those words said in ways that would make Archie Bunker proud!

Ned said...

When I say résumé, people laugh at me.

urppdtlw: a satisfying burp