Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Short week shorts

Y'know how there's that common phenomenon for people with regular jobs that after a Monday holiday "Tuesday feels like Monday" and so on, causing disorientation for the week? Well, it's a little like that for this member of the League of the Underemployed as well, except the confusion lies in remembering whether I have to go to work or not. (I don't, except I do have a meeting.)

I do have to go to work tomorrow, and then do some responding on Thursday, as on Friday Otis and I head down to the Willamette valley to see Just Jon.

Yesterday, in addition to being a somewhat somber holiday (which I marked mostly by listening to NPR), was also the occasion of the fifty-percent sale at Value Village. Otis had to work for Hi-Lai (entrepreneurs don't take holidays!), so Dingo and I raided the Cap Hill and Crown Hill stores. Well, raided isn't quite the right word - at Cap Hill, Dingo scored some drapes and I got a new jacket for Otis, but that was pretty much it, and at Crown Hill, we actually got nothin'. I think it might be a function of not really needing or wanting much more than I already have, maybe a little of VV (at least Cap Hill) not actually having a lot of good stuff, and my intolerance for crowds growing, but I just couldn't get into the whole scene as much as I have in the past.

Otis gave a swap-massage to b in the afternoon, and then c came over and we all went out for yummy Indian food down the street. I love my neighborhood!

Just because I can, I am making this Annoying Animated Gif Week here at HKC. But don't worry, it's a short wek, cause although this feels like Monday, it's already Tuedsay. Without further ado, here's the first piece of weirdness:

That's right, it's Spider-Man, a djinn, a mecha, and a ballerina, all doing a line dance. God bless the internets!

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