Wednesday, May 10, 2006

She's crazygonuts!

Well, I feel better (and a little like a whiner) since whatever it was in my head didn't last long and is already bye-bye. I rode into Bothell today and felt great. But I didn't ride back because Otis came and met me up north. Why? Because she's crazygonuts!

In the past few days, in preparation for her Open House, she has been cleaning and detailing and fussing and setting up and taking down and setting up again and designing and printing and so on and so forth. Today, I was going to do some stuff for her at school but it didn't work, so we went to Kinko's but it didn't work there, and she just tried to do it here at home and of course that didn't work either (which is why we were going to do it somehwere else in the first place). All this on top of running errands all yesterday for last minute stuff and having a whole sheaf of to-do lists for various things. So you can see why she's crazygonuts!

Me, I'm fine.

1 comment:

Scotty Walsh said...

could you provide more info on the open house? When and where? Thanks. I'd love to come by.