Monday, May 01, 2006

A case of the Mondays

So, here we are at the very dawn of another work week. In some ways it actually started yesterday, as Otis and I both spent most of the day reviewing student papers, each to our own stack. (The day was highlighted by a grand pizza break with Dingo and Johnbai up on the hill - thanks for letting us crash your party, guys!) But now the grind (such as it is) starts in earnest. I have my usual (and light) teaching week ahead, but it is increased by my having to respond to some late final portfolios from Antioch last quarter as well as by substituting for two classes on Thursday. Otis has papers to drop off, and papers to pick up, and Hi-Lai work to do, and Rising Bird work to do. Gee, almost like real folks!

And speaking of real folks, there is an honest-to-goodness, full-time tenure-track English teacher position open at Shoreline CC. Yowzah! I'm a-going after this one.


JustJon shows off his mad haxxor skillz with an embedded video in his latest post. Kewl.

If this pinging and ponging between Wheylona and Ned continues, we'll have to move them to MySpace.

Speaking of Wheylona, here's a site I found following links from one of her recent green posts. I'd like to try this someday, or at least investigate it further.

1 comment:

wheylona said...

First, death before MySpace!

Second, I'd been meaning to link to the 100-mile diet, but as usual I kept forgetting. Thanks for doing it for me!