Monday, October 03, 2005

An embarrassment of riches...

My friends are my estate.
- Emily Dickinson

I should be working, but I wanted to record how wonderful a day I had. I had planned on this being a low-key birthday. I've had a bunch of them and this one isn't one of those round or otherwise milestoney numbers, so I reckoned to pass it quietly; thanks to some machinations of Otis and the wholehearted attention of others, that was not to be.

Otis, Mel, Dingo, and Scott Flowers provided a prologue of sorts with Saturday's 1000-mile-mark celebration.

Then on Sunday, the Marmot Queen sent a homemade e-card!

On Sunday, Just Jon blogged me a happy blogday.

Today, dawn's early light brought me real and virtual birthday cards from Otis, as well as a long email from Wendigo and some surreal cat art from Gweekers.

When I got to North, the entire administrative staff of the Humanities division surrounded me and wished me happy birthday. It seems someone (*cough*OTIS*cough*) had called and put them up to it.

After class, I met a balloon-bearing Otis for lunch at Red Robin and got a free dessert. And I didn't even have to listen to "Happy Birthday" being sung by the waitstaff! (And incidentally, I stopped in and bought the Entirely Too Expensive Eyeglasses.)

At Cascadia, I found more missives from Wondergirl, and a resurrected Neds, and from Dingo, who also sent along a cool and wordly e-subscription. (You'll have to get your own.) Melvin bought me SoBe Elixir! But that's not all!

After class at Cascadia, I returned home to find a complete lasagne dinner all prepared, just waiting to be heated, in a gaily-decorated apartment. Yes, Otis the artist at work again!

I got phone calls from my sister NJ and from my brother Cliffie and his wife Lyd. And more phone calls from Dingo and Lizzie in Portland. (most came during class, but I liked getting the messages.)

And as I was getting ready to eat, Soapy called and said happy birthday, too!

What a day! Thank you, Otie; thank you, everyone.

Words are easy, like the wind
Faithful friends are hard to find.
- William Shakespeare,
The Passionate Pilgrim

(XX, l. 33)

While I was blogging, I got a cool Marvin card from Jimbo-5 and greetings from Annis P.! Haw!


Anonymous said...

So, were ya all conceived around Valentine's Day or what?...No, guess that is too late. President's Day?

Perhaps this is not the visual you all want about your birthday. I just have this thing about wondering if clusters of birthdays can be traced back to a holiday. I'm a late August, so I figure it was a New Year's Eve party.

Glad you had a great day Walter.

Ned said...

My Mom, my brother, my friend Ken, my co-worker Colin's soon-to-be-born baby!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday darlin!

John said...

Happy 6x8 day. May all your spreadsheets be of such dimensions.

Jon Myers said...

Hey, don't forget Zachariah Taliesin