Monday, May 30, 2005

Yes, You Can in Spokane

So, we visited the city made famous in song and story thirty-one years ago as the smallest-ever host city for a World's Fair. While we did not find the garbage-eating robotic goat, we did check out the remnants of the Great Northwest Midway, and it retains as much of its original charm and excitement as does the Seattle Center Fun Forest.

The trip to the Lilac City made me feel a little nostalgic for my grad school time, but mostly relieved that I am back in the other capital-ess Washington city, where things are a little hipper, a little blue-er, a little wetter, a little prettier, and a lot better all around.

That said, I have to admit that I think Boo Radley's actually beats Archie McPhee's in coolness per square foot. (Take out the industrial supply remainders and substitute weird books and comics and CDs).

Otis got a chance to visit some old haunts of her own -- all of her grandfolk are from Spokane, so she spent a lot of time there as a kid. (Her mom was a princess in what was the first racially-integrated Lilac Court in 1963.)

The rest of the trip was spent visiting with Mikey and Gweekers in their new house. Good times.

When we drove home yesterday, it seemed the temperature dropped 20 degrees as we crossed the pass. It looks like our early summer is over, judging by the gray outside my window, but I am still glad to be back.

I know some of the gang are going to be out shutterbugging today. I don't know exactly what we'll be up to, but we'll be in touch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could have shown you the goat if I had known you cared!