Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Once more into the breach

Well, I was thinking that last night's post (see below) would count for my "every day" commitment, but then I thought that that might be quibbling, so here's today's official post. (If you are looking for the moovie details in response to the email, see below.)

So, I am waiting --still-- for final word on the grant application before it gets sent in. This is not just 11th hour; it's about 12:15 now. I hope to have it all done before noon, and then it's off to lunch with Otis's grandmother, followed by a turn around the lake and an afternoon of grading papers in the sun.

Given all the time references in that paragraph, here's a cool little clock-calendar thingie that you can bookmark for fun.

See you on the internets!

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