Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A pause that refreshes

Man, I am getting granted up good. Sent in a concept paper for one this morning, have to review another one for electronic submission tomorrow afternoon, and then have a meeting on Friday to draft the next step of the first one. It keeps me busy between lesson plans and responding, which quite frankly don't take so much time this quarter. I am only teaching classes again that I have taught before and a lot of the goundwork is already there, and neither class has as much writing as a composition class. So I guess I can't complain.

Anyhoo, I will likely be up to my elbows in NSF FastLane around the time of the Satellite get-together, so y'all will be on your own. I think Johnbai mentioned something about changing the time/day, now that I think of it; let's all check Stave It Off for details.

I think I have broken my toe about six or eight times since the first time. Every now and again, when I attempt to move it or I change the tape on it, I hear a little click or two and it feels like stuff is sliding or grinding around inside. I am imagining little bone bits floating in my toe-flesh. Yum!

And today's link is something funny for anyone who has seen too many old war movies.

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