Sunday, May 22, 2005

Fun with PVC

Some time ago, I got tired of cramming my clothes into drawers and bought baker's racks for my bedroom. So my primary clothing storage is open shelving, sort of like at Sears or the Gap. Otis is now doing massage in the bedroom, and it's a great space, except all those t-shirts and undies and other Value Village goodies piled around distract a bit from the ambience. So, a few bucks worth of PVC pipe, a couple of shower curtains, and a lot of swearing later, we have this:

click for larger image

It looks pretty good. The curtains match the curtain over the alcove, and the whole thing is almost invisible because of the colors. Yay!

That was part of the weekend list - along with dropping a chunk of change at the Safeway (it had been a long time since we went grocery shopping). But there's more weekend left - lots of time to grade tests!

Don't forget to contribute Solstice and/or barbecue ideas! (See below.)

1 comment:

John said...

I particularly like the diagonal support beam in the middle. Excellent design!!! But I would not say "invisible". I would revel in it's functionality and PVCness. Personally I think a little touch of duct tape could add to it's flavor. And Otis is looking more and more like Vanna each day!