Friday, June 15, 2007

It's the day after the first day off

So, Wednesday was the last day of school. Yay! I celebrated by joining Yojimbo at the Crest for a Very Special Screening of Star Wars (yeah, the original movie). What made this screening special was that the entire sound track – dialogue, music, sound effects, all of it – had been stripped from the movie and replaced by students from sound design classes at Shoreline Community College (this is a class Yojimbo has taught in the past, although he was an adjunct emeritus this quarter).

First of all, I have to say what a splendid job the students did. Particularly with the dialogue, the technical excellence of the overdubbing and post-production (I’m sure Yojimbo is wincing at my bad terminology) was great – everything was timed correctly and synched up perfectly. There were some great choices on incidental effects and music; I would have like a more unified conceit or theme to the sound design, but Yojimbo explained that the students work in several teams and there’s not always an overarching plan. In any case, it was great fun, and the audience of students and their supporters had a positive energy that it was good to be part of.

Oh, yeah – the evening also reminded me of what a cheese-fest that original movie is. I guess the dialogue has always been bad in these movies.

Yesterday was my first day without classroom responsibilities, so I did nothing productive all day, except help Otis get ready for her evening art show. The event came off nicely: about 35 – 40 people came by to see Otis’s new pieces and the Raku pottery created by her partner-in-art, K. In addition to the art-walkers and sundry associates, gang support came from Dingo, J-Force, Stella, Merry, JagGirl, and Dvd.

The artists

The calm before the storm

The storm

The prettiest girl at the show: Stella-2

The community art project, of which more later

The artist-in-residence, displaying appropriate seriousness of purpose

Bonus pic: I obviously know it all, and am not unwilling to set J-Force and K (and anyone else) straight.

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