Thursday, February 08, 2007

A thought or two from a thoughtful day or two

Wednesday was a challenging teaching day, not so much because the teaching was a challenge, but because so many of my students have been experiencing personal challenges this quarter, and lately they all seem to be manifesting more acutely. So, classrooms great; conferences dicey.


Yesterday evening, Otis and I had a great time at the C.E. Putnam reading at Hugo House. We were joined by all the Putnam kith and kin in the area code, as well as Soapy, smack dab on yet another cusp. Dingo, Johnbai, and O begged off, but were with us in spirit.

C.E. (that would be Otis's bro) was reading from his latest book, Frolic:

Here's an excerpt from the book, the beginning of "Go-Go Poem #71"

The boss let me borrow
his soft inside her kiss.
My cheek: Porsche 944

The rest of the evening after the reading was anticlimactic.

You can find out more about C.E. or order the book at his website, P.I.S.O.R. Industries.


Today's teaching went pretty well. The students were pretty much on task, and I think I did some stuff that worked. You can't ask for more than that. I had some quality time with Stella between classes, as well as a nice phone call from Dingo, making up for her missing the prior evening's festivities.


I received a been-too-long email from my great and good friend Liam in the city of big shoulders. I (will have) replied, telling him to read this. How self-referential, eh?


When I got home from Bothell, Otis had both made a super-yummy pot of lentil soup and rearranged the living room, to wit:

In return for all this cheery goodness, I sprang for some peach lambic to go with dinner, as well as a movie for tonight (Stick It!). Yay!


Coming soon: Stella got her groove on - secret photos from the dim past!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talk to your doctor about Clytemnestra.
