Monday, February 05, 2007

Done deal

Well, by dint of buckling down and sticking to it and all those other inspirational words, both Otis and I got all our work done yesterday. She finished the stack of grading that she has been working on for a week, and I finished all the assessing that I should return today and completed three job application packets (for Whatcom, Highline, and Pierce Colleges). Yay!

The only real break in the day was for a walk down to a new pizza place that opened up on Green Lake. The walk was great; the pizza was okay.

Stella came over in the late evening to kill some time before picking up a friend at the airport, but mostly she read quietly in the corner like a good girl while the work went forward.

In other news, I heard there was some football game yesterday that somebody won.


Anonymous said...

Otis finished grading the monster stack of papers that was as tall as she was? That's, like, a page per second or something! Can't be very high-quality grading, that's for sure.


Courtney Putnam said...

Actually, I graded by osmosis. I touched each paper to my forehead and *WHAM!* I instantly new each grade.

When I got tired of that method halfway through, I astral projected myself into each paper and gleaned the essence of each paper that way.

The last 25 papers were the most difficult challenge, as I was damn tired! For these, I asked the three year old next door to write an A, B, C, D, or F in crayon on the top of each paper. I told him to be nice with the colors (no red "F's") cuz the student is bound to feel bad just from the grade. Pink F's, I told him. Much more gentle.

Anonymous said...

In every job that must be done there is an element of fun. You find the fun and *SNAP* the job's a game. And every task you undertake becomes a piece of cake. A lark. A spree. A Mentos. It’s very plain to seeeeeee.........

That a spoonful of Courtney makes the stackofstuff go down! The stackofstuff go dooo-ooown, stackofstuff go down!
