Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I have pretty much been working steadily since the last post, mostly on school stuff and a little on house stuff. I'm still behind, but I should be able to bull through it all this weekend and get caught up; at least, that's the plan. I'll take time out for a League of Underemployed meeting, but that's about it.


Did anyone catch this special about TinTin yesterday? I really want to see it - I'll have to search the listings to see if it's going to be repeated.


When my buddies from high school and I turned 26 years old, we accepted that we were not true geniuses. After all, Orson Welles made Citizen Kane at age 26, proving his genius; we had done nothing comparable. Well, this article in Wired says that I might still be Alfred Hitchcock.

I gotta go to bed.


"Yojimbo_5" said...

Bed?! It's early!

Welles made Citizen Kane at 26, but he was much older when he made "Chimes at Midnight" which many consider a far-better film.

I take comfort in knowing that Hitchcock stayed neurotic 'til the day he died.

Walaka said...

Dude, that would blow the whole theory...